A Promise

"I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you" (from the Book of Genesis)

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Death of Love

Read this somewhere, don't know when or where. Been a while, I guess. But I remember it enough to post it here.

Sometime love is for a moment, sometimes love is for a lifetime.
Sometimes a moment is a lifetime.

Once upon a time there was an island
where all feelings lived together.
One day there was a storm in the sea and the island was about to get drowned,
Every feeling was scared but love made a boat to escape.
Every feeling boarded the boat .
Only one was left, and
Love got down to see who was it,
It was EGO,
LOVE tried and tried but EGO didn't budge and refused to board the boat
The water was rising,
All the other feelings asked LOVE to leave EGO and come back and board the boat
But Alas! Love was made to love,
And, it didn't know how to abandon.
At last, all the feelings left the island
and LOVE died with EGO on the island,

LOVE died because of EGO

But, haven't we seen love dying and don't we still see love dying even when ego is NOT in the scene? How do we account for love's death, then? I wish I knew... May be, when love dies, aboard the boat or on the island, it is easier and less painful if you have someone or something to blame. Or, is it?

Virtually Yours


NKS said...

Yea I've read it before but thx for refreshing my memory and thanx a lot for your appreciating comments in my blog.... keep visiting

Chorus said...

it is a human instinct to blame everything over someone else!!!!
and say that " hmmmmm what to do ..I haven't done anything.. but things are going like this ...why my life is like this.....blah blah blah.....
I think we ourselves knowingly or unknowingly kill Love ......
so the death of love is not natural most of the times ..it's a clean murder !!!!

Virtually Yours said...

edr, thanks for visiting and commenting. Yes, I agree, most of the times, it's a clean murder! I quite liked that 'clean murder' phrase! Looking forward to reading posts in your blogspace!